Kop Hill Climb®

Fundraising for the local community

14th/15th September 2024

Car and Bike Club Display packages

Car and Bike Club Display packages

This is a great chance for you to display alongside your fellow enthusiasts at what is one of the premier classic weekends on the calendar. So make sure your Club Secretary has first registered the club and booked the space that the club needs in the paddock for which there is no charge. Members then pay a fee to display on the space reserved for their club.

Please note hill runners will need to be parked in their run bay for their hill run.

To Register your Club send an email to [email protected]

What Does it Cost to Display?

For cars
£30 on one day (including one passenger)
£45 for both days (including one passenger)

For bikes
£20 for one day (includes 1 pillion)
£35 for both days (includes 1 pillion)

How do I access the system?

To access the new booking system, use this link https://booking.kophillclimb.org.uk

If you are new to Kop Hill, you can register for an account here.

If you are having any difficulties or have a question, please check our FAQs or email [email protected]